How to play: Arrow keys to move, space to jump, e to cycle sizes (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8).

We recommend downloading the game, since some effects, like DoF do not work in web.

So, for most of us, this was out first game jam, and we might have bitten of a bit more than we could chew (talk about scale :D)

So, this was actually supposed to be a little puzzle game were your size halved every minute and you would have to reverse the process before it was too late (we only later discovered the parallels to inch by inch).

We played around with the assets and the 2.5D rendering style, but due to limited time, we could not get our whole thing working in time, so feel free to try it out.

We will keep working on this in our own time, but right now, this is what we got (which is why it is marked as a prototype).

This is the whole plan for the puzzle:

We also had full animations for the cat, and some more assets lying around, but did not get to use it (for now).
Also, if you read this far, you can actually go even smaller, but things tend to break, use the number keys on your keyboard to go beyond 4.


PixelByPixel.exe 86 MB
PixelByPixel.arm64 63 MB
PixelByPixel.dmg 60 MB
PixelByPixel.x86_64 69 MB

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